Last night seemed like an ordinary night until "The Incident".
The Big-Cat was getting ready to have a bath and I followed him into the bathroom to sit on the bathmat while he was in the tub. I started playing with the shower curtain (in truth, I was chewing on it) so the Big-Cat pulled it away from me and dragged it into the tub. That's when IT happened.
The Big-Cat knocked a bottle of shampoo off the edge of the tub. The shampoo bottle landed upside down on its pump and a jet of shampoo launched forth out of the bottle and landed on my fur.
I immediately ran out of the bathroom and started to try to get the shampoo off of my fur the only way I could…by licking it. It tasted terrible and now I couldn’t get the taste out of my mouth. The Big-Cat ran after me with a towel and tried to wipe the shampoo off but I thought he had more of the evil stuff so I ran away. Soon both big-cats were chasing me around the bedroom. I kept running from them and stopped when I could to try to lick the shampoo off….but the shampoo tasted so bad and I started to make evil hissing noises (I thought I could scare the shampoo away).
The big-cats finally cornered me and I had shampoo foam all over my mouth and snout. The Big-Cat wiped that off and I wiggled free and ran under the bed, where I tried to clean my fur again. This produced more foam and bad taste, so I ran into my tent to hide.
My Big-Cat dragged me out of the tent and, and, and (I still shudder to think about it) he gave one side of my fur coat a bath. He said it was for my own good and that it would get rid of the evil taste but I think he was punishing me for making those noises.
Once the bath finished, I looked like, well, a wet cat…which is not pretty (see picture).
The big-cats then dried me with a towel and then brushed me and gave me a couple treats to get the taste out of my mouth…so I eventually forgave them.
It’s never dull around our house.
The Big-Cat was getting ready to have a bath and I followed him into the bathroom to sit on the bathmat while he was in the tub. I started playing with the shower curtain (in truth, I was chewing on it) so the Big-Cat pulled it away from me and dragged it into the tub. That's when IT happened.
The Big-Cat knocked a bottle of shampoo off the edge of the tub. The shampoo bottle landed upside down on its pump and a jet of shampoo launched forth out of the bottle and landed on my fur.
I immediately ran out of the bathroom and started to try to get the shampoo off of my fur the only way I could…by licking it. It tasted terrible and now I couldn’t get the taste out of my mouth. The Big-Cat ran after me with a towel and tried to wipe the shampoo off but I thought he had more of the evil stuff so I ran away. Soon both big-cats were chasing me around the bedroom. I kept running from them and stopped when I could to try to lick the shampoo off….but the shampoo tasted so bad and I started to make evil hissing noises (I thought I could scare the shampoo away).
The big-cats finally cornered me and I had shampoo foam all over my mouth and snout. The Big-Cat wiped that off and I wiggled free and ran under the bed, where I tried to clean my fur again. This produced more foam and bad taste, so I ran into my tent to hide.
My Big-Cat dragged me out of the tent and, and, and (I still shudder to think about it) he gave one side of my fur coat a bath. He said it was for my own good and that it would get rid of the evil taste but I think he was punishing me for making those noises.
Once the bath finished, I looked like, well, a wet cat…which is not pretty (see picture).
The big-cats then dried me with a towel and then brushed me and gave me a couple treats to get the taste out of my mouth…so I eventually forgave them.
It’s never dull around our house.