First, about a month ago, the big-cats packed up all my stuff into boxes, then put me in a little cage, and then drove me (in a car!!) to a brand new house....then they had three smelly men make a lot of noise unloading my stuff into a much smaller two story townhouse. Oh and the things these smelly men said about me...
And before I could get settled in the new place, two teenage girls came and lived at my house; and they had the temerity to want to play with me (can you imagine). I've even heard that they posted some on-line slander about me after I told them to mind their own business. Hisssss!!!
Then after the little-girls left my new house, the middle-cat invited everyone she knew over to drink beer and eat my cheese (oh, all that gooey St Andre's cheese going to waste on those non-furred two-legged-ers).
Then, I expected all to be good but no, the big-cats left me alone in the house for about 77 cat-days....er, rather not alone, I could have handled that. But no, every couple days the big-cats had some stranger come into my house... and she tried to be my friend...as if that was going to happen. I pooped on the carpet to show her what I thought.
So today, when the big-cats finally came home, I hissed at them for about fifteen minutes before I came out from under the bed. I did miss them, but I wanted to make a point...they seem to have taken me for granted this last month or so.
So, what is a girl-cat to do. Do I hiss and make up? Or do I just hiss?
PS Either way, I think I may leave them a treasure or two in their shoes tonight.
1 comment:
if you play your cards right you could get mega fancy feast, diamond collars, french fries, and all the cat nip your heart desires.......hit them while they feel guilty - how do you think I got my pony?
your bff,
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