One of my favourite things to do is to play the Stairs Game (aka "SG").
I usually like to play in the morning just after the big-cats wake up. After a good morning's brushing, I like to run to the landing and get ready to start the SG.
My big-cats have a couple of special papers (including a map of the London tube system) that they stroke over the bars of the landing and I chase and bite and claw them (I mean the papers...although sometimes the big-cats too).
I've been know to bang my head, bite a little paint off the spindles, and sometimes draw blood from the big-cats...but we all like our morning ritual. No pain, no gain!
My London tube map is almost shredded and I hope that one day one of my loyal readers will send me a new map.
You can watch the video of a typical Stairs Game ("SG") below.
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