A couple weeks ago, the Middle-Cat bought me a costume that she wanted me to wear on Halloween. She wanted me to dress up like a chicken. We fought about it and I refused to even try the chicken-hat on.
Luckily, the Middle-Cat was away for Halloween so the matter was forgotten for a while.
Last night the Big-Cat told me that I would get a special treat this morning if I wore the chicken-hat for the Middle-Cat....so I did.
Well this morning I got my special treat; a little bit of Boost before the big-cats went for a run. I have to drink out of the bottle cap so I ended up spilling some of the Boost on the table; but I lapped up those drops a little later.
I only got a small amount of Boost so I'm not sure it was worth wearing the chicken-hat. The Boost was so good, I wonder what I'd have to do to get a whole bottle.
Well P-Kitty, I'd say you still maintain your poise and elegance while sporting the chicken hat. Worth it - heck yes! Though I'd say you deserved a bit more than a tiny little cap-full of Boost...
this makes me feel a hell of alot better.....you don't even want to know about the Christmas Tex had to dress up as Santa and I was rudolph.....the things we do to keep our people happy!
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